When a buyer inquire's about a business for sale here is the first step before disclosing the location.

Thank you for your recent inquiry to (Brokers Name) listings concerning a business for sale. please log into https://www.eastcoastbusinessbrokers.com/register.html

PLEASE BE DESCRIPTIVE IN THE COMMENTS BOX and sign up as a Buyer for detailed info. You will be instructed on how to obtain financial information and addresses of great opportunities. We look forward to doing business with you. Keep in mind this form is for the protection of our sellers and business owners. i will follow with a call after you sign up, my Cell phone is 555-555-5555

Regards,(Broker name) East Coast Stores LLC

buyer does sign up he will show up in your buyers account. secondly he needs to get this email through your active buyer profile

Congrats, now you have signed up as a buyer with EastCoastBusinessBrokers.com/login.html   Please complete, sign and return fax to 516-750-9019 . Please Be VERY descriptive and put the listing you are inquiring about before faxing ON THE DISCLOSURE Then log Onto www.EastCoastBusinessBrokers.com with your user and password for the address and financials

Keep in mind this form is for the protection of our seller.

DIRECTLY TO DISCLOSURE  click the link HERE this disclosure will be tailered for each individual broker.

Once the broker has faxed the disclosure over you are now allowed to approve him as a buyer and approve all the listings to him in this window: into the box this text should be pasted:Keep in mind this form is for the protection of our seller. DO NOT SPEAK TO ANYONE, PLEASE BE DESCRETE

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